Green and yellow vegetables

This picture is taken by the market. We can see many varieties of vegetables.  A woman brings lemons on her hand and it seems that she is checking their condition. In this place, green vegetables, gingers, and something red such as apple are sold.



This picture was taken at the market. You can also see many kinds of vegetables (on display in the market). It seems that a woman takes some lemons in her hand and checks the condition of lemonsGreen and yellow vegetables, gingers, and red things like apples are sold here.



The market is outdoors, and everything looks very fresh.


have / take A in my hands Aを手に取って

Green and yellow vegetable 緑黄色野菜

something red 赤い何か


such as  例えば~といった、~のような、~を含む
like         ~に似たような