Olympic opening ceremony

I watched the Olympic opening ceremony on tv last night.

I thought it's simple and wonderful without gaudy. what Seiko Hashimoto leader said something makes me empathized, but Bach leader's speech is so long that I had slept because of watching with laying.

at many performances in the ceremony, I was interested in the performance of the pictogram as we thought about NHK program. in the addition, I also was interested in the contrast between the performance of the drone and transformed the sphere of the tooth tower, and the thing that Edo's firemen pull the rope and completed the five rings.

Coivd-19 is rising but I hope I could finish the Olympic game safely. In my opinion, I thought it's good to hold the Olympic game now.






I watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics last night.

It was a simple and wonderful opening ceremony without showy staging. It was impressive to see Seiko Hashimoto, chairman of the association, talking with her heart full. But Bach's speech was so long that I fell asleep on the way, partly because I was lying down and watching it.

While there were many performances during the opening ceremony, Pictogram's performance reminded me of an NHK program, but I personally found it very Japanese and interesting. It was also interesting to see the contrast between the drone production and the mechanical transformation of the Olympic cauldron sphere, and the Edo firemen pulling the rope to complete the five rings.

I hope the Olympics will end safely during the period as the number of coronavirus cases continues to increase. I was surprised myself, but now I think it's good to hold the Olympics.


partly because 一つには~の理由で

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