Commentary Book on Tannisho

I have read four books from the middle of the month. Among those, I think I try mentioning the impression reading the guide of Tannisho.

"if I went to the island where nobody lives, I would bring Tannisho". We always hear the phrase well. however, I think I never have it because I don't think it gives me the impression very well. It seems that a past writer also didn't get the impression from it however he couldn't let go of it when his son died.

Now, I leave the impression as follows.

 - Tannisho means feeling sad about a different opinion.

 - The deep of Shinran's heart was great.

 - Shinran stays in the position of the poor of the knowledge and belief and he is the person like protestant standing the training with getting the light of Amidabutsu's help.

 - The person who lived with keeping the balance in the big swing.

- The Yuien's contents whose he wrote Tannisho was so great that the Shinran's teaching left after the generations.

- Yuien wrote that let not people who don't have the belief read because of avoiding to twist Shinran's words.

Besides that, I thought it's great that when we think that's the right thing at the moment, we lost that and become not have the balance.

It was a fresh view that religion categorizes to the type of connection, knowing myself, and rescue.

I still am not enough to read it. I'd like to repeat to read Tannisho's original story again someday, but it not is now.





  • 歎異抄は異義を嘆くという意味
  • 親鸞が人として深さが凄かったこと
  • 親鸞は知も信も不完全な者でしかないという立場で、阿弥陀仏の救いの光にあたりながら生涯、修行を積んだプロテスタント的な人だったこと
  • 両極端な振りの中でバランスを保ちながら生きた人だったこと
  • 法然という仏教を分解・再構築した師がいたこと
  • 歎異抄を書いた唯円(ゆいえん)の文章が優秀過ぎて、親鸞の教えが後世に残ったということ
  • 唯円親鸞の教えを自分勝手に解釈されることを避けるため信心の無い者には読ませるなと記していること




阿弥陀=アミターユス Amitāyus(無限の寿命をもつ者)+アミターバ Amitābha(無限の光明をもつ者)サンスクリット語


I have read four books since the middle of this month. Among them, I would like to express my thoughts on the commentary book on Tannisho.

if I went to the uninhabited island, I would bring Tannisho. That's a common phrase. I will never, however, take it there because it didn't seem so impressive. Once a great writer was not impressed by anything, it is said that when he read it after he lost his child, he could not part with it.

The impression left now is as follows.

 - Tannisho means lamenting differences.
 - Shinran was a person of great depth.
 - Shinran was a protestant person who practiced his life in the light of salvation by Amidabutsu from the standpoint that both knowledge and faith were imperfect.
 - Shinran was a person who lived with a balance in opposing both extremes.
 - There was a master named Honen who disassembled and reconstructed Buddhism.
 - The text of Yuien, who wrote Tannisho, was so excellent that Shinran's teachings remained in posterity.
 - Yuien wrote that Shinran's teachings should not be read by those who have no faith in order to avoid being interpreted arbitrarily.

Other than that, I was impressed by the sensitivity that I lost sight of the moment I thought I was right and became biased.
The fact that religions can be divided into connection, enlightenment, and salvation types is also refreshing.

My reading is still shallow. Someday I would like to read the original text of Tannisho over and over again. that's not now, however.


ある本を読んだ(後の)感想 impressions after reading books

その中でも among those/them

解説 commentary

かつての Once a great writer

part with (物を)手放す ⇔ keep   ※人の場合は part from 別れる

let go (of) 手放す

現在(残っている)の印象は The impression left now is

lament 嘆き悲しむ

salvation (宗教的な)救い

from the standpoint that の視点から

where 先行詞が場所の副詞になっている時に使う。 ~で。


しかしならが;   SV. however, SV.
                         SV, however, SV.
                         SV, however.

However late you are, please let me know. However 副詞/形容詞 SV どんなに遅れたとしても、知らせてください。

However you look at it, it's still a mess. どんな風に見ても、それはやはりメチャクチャだ。
You can do it however you like. 君の好きなようにやっていいよ。

However did you manage to get him to agree to that? いったいどうやって彼にそのこと賛成させたの?

I ate nothing for lunch, but an apple. 昼食にリンゴ1つ以外何も食べなかった。
She lives next door but one. 彼女は1軒おいて隣に住んでいる。

Once you've signed, you cannot cancel the contract. 一度サインしたら、契約の破棄はできない。
Call me up once you get home. 帰宅したらすぐに私に電話してください。

Green and yellow vegetables

This picture is taken by the market. We can see many varieties of vegetables.  A woman brings lemons on her hand and it seems that she is checking their condition. In this place, green vegetables, gingers, and something red such as apple are sold.



This picture was taken at the market. You can also see many kinds of vegetables (on display in the market). It seems that a woman takes some lemons in her hand and checks the condition of lemonsGreen and yellow vegetables, gingers, and red things like apples are sold here.



The market is outdoors, and everything looks very fresh.


have / take A in my hands Aを手に取って

Green and yellow vegetable 緑黄色野菜

something red 赤い何か


such as  例えば~といった、~のような、~を含む
like         ~に似たような

It's a very sunny day

It sounds like a family is enjoying themselves with their dog on the beach. they are running. the boy is running on the top. It's a sunny day. you can see the island over there.




It seems that a family is having fun with their dog at the beach. They are running. A boy is leading the race. The weather is good enough to see an island in the background.



They are running barefoot in the sand,

It's a very sunny day, so we can see an island in the background.


It looks like the people are feeding the swan

This picture shows a mother and two children, a dog, a white swan. They are standing among the sea and feeding to the swan. The dog is watching the swan. You can see some birds over the sea.


This picture shows a mother, two children, a dog, and a swan. They are standing on the edge of the water and feed the swan. The dog is looking at the swan. You can see some waterfowls at the back of the sea.



They have a brown dog with them and there are some small birds in the water. The closest bird is a big white swan. It looks like the people are feeding the swan.


3つ以上のカンマのつけ方: A, B, C, and D

at/on/in the back of the sea    の後ろに


teared paper

This picture shows one cat and one dog.

It's not clean on the floor. It seems they had done.

They probably are looking at their owner while they think they will be scolded by their owner.






A cat and a dog are in the picture. (There's a white cat and a black dog.)

The floor is messy. I think they did it.

Perhaps they are looking at their owners thinking they will be scolded.



In this picture, two animals have been playing with paper and tearing it up.

One is a white cat and the other is a black dog.

Now they have finished playing and they are resting, but they might be getting yelled at by their owner.


be yell at A by    Aを怒鳴りつけられる

tear up ボロボロに刻む

tear 引き裂く、破れる

messy  散らかっている mési


gaze 関心、憧れ、驚嘆の念などをもって注視する表現 géɪz
stare ポジティブな気持ちが少ない場合 stéɚ


Olympic opening ceremony

I watched the Olympic opening ceremony on tv last night.

I thought it's simple and wonderful without gaudy. what Seiko Hashimoto leader said something makes me empathized, but Bach leader's speech is so long that I had slept because of watching with laying.

at many performances in the ceremony, I was interested in the performance of the pictogram as we thought about NHK program. in the addition, I also was interested in the contrast between the performance of the drone and transformed the sphere of the tooth tower, and the thing that Edo's firemen pull the rope and completed the five rings.

Coivd-19 is rising but I hope I could finish the Olympic game safely. In my opinion, I thought it's good to hold the Olympic game now.






I watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics last night.

It was a simple and wonderful opening ceremony without showy staging. It was impressive to see Seiko Hashimoto, chairman of the association, talking with her heart full. But Bach's speech was so long that I fell asleep on the way, partly because I was lying down and watching it.

While there were many performances during the opening ceremony, Pictogram's performance reminded me of an NHK program, but I personally found it very Japanese and interesting. It was also interesting to see the contrast between the drone production and the mechanical transformation of the Olympic cauldron sphere, and the Edo firemen pulling the rope to complete the five rings.

I hope the Olympics will end safely during the period as the number of coronavirus cases continues to increase. I was surprised myself, but now I think it's good to hold the Olympics.


partly because 一つには~の理由で

Hope の後ろは基本的に現在形の動詞の文章。またはwillの文章でも間違いではない。過去形の動詞は成り行きを見守るニュアンとして使うこともあり。